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Interested in gastric bypass surgery? Contact
Medical Tourism Mazatlan to learn more today!
The laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, more commonly known simply as gastric bypass, is perhaps the most well-known surgical weight loss procedure. There’s a reason gastric bypass is considered by many to be the “gold standard” of weight loss surgery: it’s a highly effective procedure for most qualified candidates. Simply put, the process involves the surgical re-sizing of the stomach and re-structuring of the intestines. This limits the amount of food an individual is able to digest, leading in most cases, to substantial weight loss.I'm a paragraph. Click once to begin entering your own content. You can change my font, size, line height, color and more by highlighting part of me and selecting the options from the toolbar.

How Does the Gastric Bypass Procedure Work?
Gastric bypass surgery consists of two components. The fist component involves the division of the stomach into two parts: a small upper pouch about one ounce in volume, and a larger, lower pouch that consists of the rest of the stomach. The second component involves the division of the first portion of the small intestine. During the procedure, the lower end of the small intestine is connected to the newly created small stomach pouch. Lastly, the upper portion of the divided small intestine is connected to the rest of the small intestine further down to allow digestive enzymes and stomach acids to mix with food.
Because the newly divided upper portion of the stomach is much smaller than an average stomach, it prevents an individual from consuming large meals. In this way, calorie intake is limited. Gastric bypass surgery also reduces nutrient and calorie absorption through the restricting of the small intestine. Perhaps most importantly, however, this procedure alters gut hormones to promote satiety (thereby suppressing hunger) and disrupt the advent of Type 2 diabetes due to obesity.
Some of the advantages of gastric bypass include:
Can lead to significant weight loss (up to 60-80% excess weight loss)
Promotes long-term weight loss in most patients
Enhances feelings of satiety while reducing hunger/appetite
Limits the amount of food that can be consumed/calorie absorption
Can lead to increases in energy expenditure over time
Most patients see maintenance of more than 50% of excess weight loss